Virginia McClure ceramist, painter, writer (In English)

Date 27/01/2011 22:50:00 | Sujet : Publications

The well-known ceramist Virginia McClure is also a respected painter and a talented writer. Born in 1928 in Montreal, she published last year her third book entitled The Yellow Painting, a memoir. (edited by the Visual Art Center, Montreal, 2009) .

While the two previous books were poetry, this one is an autobiography which is very touching to read and surprising in its honest reminiscences and lucid descriptions of the social life in Montreal and Boston. Family and personal tragedies as well as career successes are described openly.

Of special interest to art historians and collectors of ceramics will be many hitherto unknown facts concerning the ceramic art scene in Montreal in the second half of the century. The activities of the Potters Club (1946-1970) and of its successor the Visual Art Center, the pride of Virginia McClure, are well documented. Many comments on her life as a ceramist, teacher of ceramics and painter are dispersed throughout the narrative.
The book is for sale ($20) at the Visual Art Center, McClure Gallery, 350 Victoria avenue, Westmount. Definitely a recommended reading for our members of the Association of collectors of Quebec ceramics!

Jacqueline Beaudry Dion

Cet article provient de Céramique du Québec Association de Collectionneurs ACCQ

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